Why is HouseMaster the Right Choice?
HouseMaster is truly the stand out opportunity in the home inspection franchise industry. Only HouseMaster offers you the
Right Choice Guarantee. Here's how it works; if for some reason, within the first year of franchise ownership, after you've completed training and implemented specific elements of our system, you do not feel HouseMaster was the right choice for you, HouseMaster will refund your Initial Franchise Fee, less administration expenses. We offer this program because we can. We know that you need to develop a professional and personally rewarding home inspection franchise and we are confident that we will deliver it – guaranteed!
Franchisee Satisfaction: The relationships we have built with our franchisees, some of whom have been with our system for over 20 years is among our proudest achievements. It makes sense that the best way to judge a franchise opportunity is by the success and satisfaction of their franchisees. We are excited to showcase that HouseMaster was recently ranked one of the top 50 franchises by Franchise Business Review's Franchise Satisfaction Survey. Highlights from the survey are below.
- Initial training and ongoing support: 92% Responded Good to Excellent
- Quality: 99% ranked HouseMaster products & services provided to franchisees Good to Excellent
- HouseMaster brand competiveness in the markets compared to the competition: 92% ranked HouseMaster Good to Excellent
- Promotes honesty and a high standard of business ethics: 92% Agree/Agree Strongly
If you are interested in being the best in the business, please take a minute to request more information today. There are many home inspectors, but only one Master. HouseMaster!
HouseMaster Is Named #1 Home Inspection Franchise in Entrepreneur Magazine's Annual Franchise 500 Ranking!

For the past 30 years, Entrepreneur Magazine has been developing and perfecting the most comprehensive ranking procedure for franchise companies: The Annual Franchise 500. All companies, regardless of size, are judged by Entrepreneur Magazine's objective and quantifiable criteria:
- Financial Strength
- Size of System
- Years in Business
- Length of Time Franchising
- Start Up Costs
- Percentage of Terminations
- Litigation
HouseMaster is proud to be considered the #1 franchise opportunity in the home inspection industry for 2009 and ranked #154 out of the top 500 Franchise Opportunities listing. We are also pleased to have been ranked #1 more than any other franchise company in the home inspection industry.

HouseMaster was the first company to franchise in the home inspection industry. Since our inception in 1979, HouseMaster has performed nearly two million home inspections and has grown to almost 400 franchises. Our company culture focuses on franchise relationships, support, technical proficiency, proven marketing methods, aggressive risk management tools and cutting edge technology. Interviewed by media giants such as the Associated Press, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, HGTV, USA Today and the NY Times, HouseMaster is the recognized authority on home inspections.
Why should you choose HouseMaster?
HouseMaster offers many UNIQUE advantages over other home inspection opportunities including (but not limited to);
- Recognized Inspector Certification Program
- 6 Month Free Call Center Services
- FastStart Inspection Report Writing Templates
- National Media Exposure
- Multi-Media Training & Marketing Tools
- Large Franchise Areas
- Group E & O Insurance Options
- Customizable Marketing Collateral
- Comprehensive Risk Management Tools
- Financing Options Available
- 30 Years Experience
- Search Engine Marketing Programs and More!
The HouseMaster franchise model has other unique advantages too:
- Home Based Business
- Don't Have To Work Nights
- Low Start-Up Costs
- Low Risk – Right Choice Guarantee!
- Cash Business
- No Expensive Leases
- No Receivables
- No Construction Experience Needed
- No Inventory