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Franchise Quick Guide Search | Franchise Directory - Comprehensive Franchise Information

Hamburger Mary's Bar & Grille is the only and the largest restaurant franchise catering to the Gay and Lesbian community (as well as the general public). With over 32 years of successful operations, we have totally re-organized under HMI to become a major franchise. 14 franchised stores have been sold across the U.S. Our Owner's Manual, Bar Guide/Recipe book, Ad program and In-store training program are just a few of the plus features offered. Eat, Drink . . and be Mary!
Financial Requirements:
Industry: Food and Restaurant
In Business Since: 1972
Franchising Since: 1997
Required Capital: $50,000
Total Investment: $200,000 - $950,000
Franchise Fee: $50,000
Royalty Fee: 5%
Number of Units: 15
Territories Available: US, Australia and Europe
Home Based: No
Financing Available: Yes
Training Available: Yes
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