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Businesses For Sale   >>   West Virginia Businesses For Sale Categories   >>   

Growing Business For Sale

Location  West Virginia,United States
Asking Price Range  < $250K
Gross Revenues  $37000
Net Profit / Cash Flow  $16660
Cash Flow Type  EBITDA
Seller Finance  No
Year Established  2006
Number of Employees  1 - 3
Inventory  22000
Relocatable  Yes
Number of Employees  1 - 3
Real Estate  Leased
Training  Owner will train and provide all necessary information.
Reason for Sale  Owner is moving.
Description  The business name is Dreadheadz-Headquarters. It is located on Grand Central Avenue in Vienna, West Virginia, one of the most traveled roads in the state. It has been in operation for two years now and is a unique and profitable store. This shop has over 75 band shirts ranging from classic rock to modern rock. In addition to band shirts, this store offers a wide variety of patchwork purses, incense, Grateful Dead licensed apparel, doorbeads, tapestries, and other ''retro'' hippie attire. I am in the process of trying to move out of the state to get a job using my degree in accounting and don't want to see such a good thing close its doors. This store is in need of someone who loves music and who wants to take this store the extra mile. There are 4 colleges within 30 miles of this business and its the ONLY store like it in that 30 miles. The store thrives during the holidays and in the back-to-school months. Everything you need to run and operate this store is included in the sale price of $35,000. This includes all hardware, fixtures, inventory, registers, desks, safes, filing cabinets, store signage, laptop, lists of wholesalers, a $200 security camera system, and all other operating necessities. As the owner, I plan on working along side the buyer to ensure a strong transition. The store had a net income of more than $30,000 its first year in operation and netted $37,144 its second year. Most of these profits have been turned back into inventory and additional fixtures. I am a motivated seller, as I am hoping to move to Vermont in July. Any inquiries can be directed to my email, and I will happily answer any questions you may have or send any pictures.
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