Sash Window Repair Company For Sale
Location United Kingdom
Asking Price Range $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues $1174587
Net Profit / Cash Flow $141028
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2000
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Description Sash Window Repairer, Restorer and Joinery
Location Home Counties
Asking Price œ 590,000
Turner Butler has been appointed to invite offers of purchase for the sale of 100% of the shares in a company specialising in the repair, restoration and manufacture of sash windows and other joinery.
The Company has the following key attributes:
One of the leading sash window companies in the Home Counties.
Full sash window, repair, restoration and draughtproofing service.
Restoration and refurbishment philosophy rather than `rip out and replace'.
Very well equipped production facilities for restoration work and manufacturing new units.
Close relationships with local Conservation Officers.
Highly skilled and experienced workforce.
Average project values of around œ5,000 with some as high as œ120,000.
Low overheads.
Extensive growth and expansion opportunities
The Company provides an acquirer with:
An excellent bolt on for a business already operating within the joinery sector.
An ideal starter business for anyone looking to establish a foothold within the joinery sector or more specifically, sash window repair, restoration and manufacture.
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