Freehold Two Storey Shop Trading As A Gift Shop
Location United Kingdom
Asking Price Range $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues $130840
Net Profit / Cash Flow $0
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2000
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Owned
Description Independent gift boutique with freehold premises
Location Warwickshire
Asking Price œ 330,000
Asking price: œ330,000 plus stock at valuation
Turner Butler has been appointed to invite offers of purchase for the assets and goodwill of a gift boutique operating from freehold premises, located in prominent position in a small historic town in the heart of Warwickshire.
Key strengths:
The Company has the following key attributes:
Modern freehold premises in a prime retail location
Operated under management by excellent trustworthy and knowledgeasble staff
Excellent growth and expansion opportunities
Eclectic mix of high quality products at competitive prices
Excellent local reputation
Loyal customer base
Fixtures and fittings
Low overheads
The Company provides an acquirer with:
An excellent lifestyle retail gifts business with significant growth prospects.
An ideal freehold property in a prominent location that lends itself to a wide variety of
retail uses.
Financial profile:
For the most recent financial year for which figures are available, the business achieved a turnover of approximately œ83,000 and a gross profit in the region of œ40,000.
The Asking Price of œ330,000 is for a sale of the assets and goodwill in the business to include the freehold conservatively valued at œ330,000 but excludes stock in the region of œ30,000.
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