Bakers - Manufacturers & Wholesalers Buns, Cakes
Location United Kingdom
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $0
Net Profit / Cash Flow $0
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 1998
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Real Estate Leased
Training Training and handover will be provided for the new owners to ensure a smooth transition.
Reason for Sale The owner now wishes to concentrate on retail.
Description Bakers - Manufacturers & Wholesalers Buns, Cakes & Biscuit Bakers.
Ref. ED004
Location Currently located in Northern Ireland Fully Relocatable
Asking Price œ 54,950
This business was started eleven years ago following an amalgamation, and has become widely acknowledged for the manufacture and wholesale of quality baked buns, cakes and biscuits for the end user looking at the middle to upper price range. There are now significant opportunities to expand this business with wider distribution and it would be ideal for an existing participant to bring two businesses together and reduce cost/critical mass and develop a larger geographical area of coverage to exploit its maximum potential.
This business offers a very personal and courteous service, with customer satisfaction - not only of its clients but also its consumers - its prime objective. To this end, one of the best assets of this business is the workforce as they offer customers reliability and quality service. The range of products is made to traditional recipes, from only the best ingredients. All customers benefit from a fast and efficient delivery service as often and customers require. With turnover of approximately œ148,000 generating gross profits of circa œ98,000 this is an excellent opportunity to acquire a well established business highly regarded for its quality products and customer service and a steadily increasing and loyal customer base. Contact for more information on this Bakery for sale.
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