Fun Frame Warehouse Rated 5th Best City To Live
Location Texas,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $167411
Net Profit / Cash Flow $52200
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1997
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory Value on day of sale.
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training The owner desires a transition that is both smooth and seamless. The owner will train the buyer per contract agreement & until a complete understanding of the company is achieved.
Reason for Sale Just Became Empty Nester; Home Downsize and State Relocation.
Description Anyone that enjoys working with fine woods and framing will love this charming framing warehouse ideally nestled in ''The 5th Best Place to Live in America'' by Money Magazine. This town truly has it all! The company has exclusive contractual relationships with the city as well. Company is positioned along one of the busiest and highest trafficked roads in town and is very well known and received. The owner is a recent empty-nester and desires to downsize his home and a state relocation for himself and wife, now that his kids are out of the home. He mentioned that ''his business has been a great blessing to his family all of these years''; He truly cares about finding that perfect person to carry on the company that he created in 1997.
Competition: Company is an ideal candidate for an individual that has left Corporate America and truly desires to own a well-known, already profitable, successful company with long-term, devoted clientele. Unlike most small businesses in today's economy, this charming company goes against the flow and is profitable!
Financing: Negotiable.
Please contact or email Scot A. Jones for Financial Data, Pictures, detailed Asset/Equipment List, Demographic Data, and Business Package.
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