Dry Cleaning Service - Plant & 3 Drop Locations
Location Tennessee,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $598000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $153000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1900
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training Seller will provide training
Reason for Sale Retirement & health concerns
Description This is a great established Dry Cleaning Service Business. Was designed to be a plant with lots of drop stores, wholesale, pickup and deliver to home and business. Lots of growth potential and should be doing $2M a year. Sales have been solely relied on drive by traffic. There is no advertising, no website and no effort. All upside potential.
Here are some key facts for the interested parties:
- The plant has double dry clean machines, double pressing stations, uni-press equipment and more.
- Plant has a drive through
- The business is producing on average $48k a month
.. $35k at main plant
.. $7k avg per drop store
- Business produces about $10k a month in Cash
- Owner only operates front desk and oversees employees
- Upside is commercial, more drop stores and home
pickup/delivery (store could easily triple in sales with good energy and marketing)
- Rent is $6k a month at plant, building is available for purchase
Industry pricing tips for successful Dry Cleaner below.
- 70 to 80 percent of sales plus inventory. Plants with on-site laundry equipment will get a higher multiple. Plants with over-the-counter sales of $35,000 will receive higher multiples.
- 2.5 to 3 times SDE plus inventory
Call to discuss details as this will sell quickly NOW!
Advantages to owning a Dry Cleaning business:
Supplies/inventory costs are 5% 7% and not perishable. Most dry cleaners close at 7 p.m. and are open shorter hours on Saturday with no Sunday hours.
Very easy to learn.
Basic operations can be expanded by creative marketing beyond retail by going out the 'back door' and adding new services: route ales, fire restoration services, pickup stores, hotel or commercial accounts, etc. Relatively recession resistant.
Cash, production business easy to expand and diversify.
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