Drop - In Child Care Center
Location Tennessee,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $100000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $35000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance No
Year Established 2011
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Inventory 15000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Real Estate Leased
Training 2 free weeks directorial training
Reason for Sale Spouse relocation
Description Spouse's job relocation is requiring us to move out of state. Child care center is located in a leased shopping center space and provides hourly care to children 12 months-12 years. Center opened Feb. 2012 and earned $80,000 in the first year. There is currently a net owner income of approx. $30,000 and rising. The center is consistently growing and is set to earn $110,000-130,000 this year. We have approx. 370 families enrolled with daily attendance averaging 35 children. Qualified employees wish to continue working and two weeks of free directorial training will be included. Owner is currently serving as the director so new owner will have to submit qualifications to DHS to become new licensee. Needing to sell within 30-45 days. Asking price is $70,000.
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