Archery Store / Website - Established, Profitable
Location New Zealand
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $400000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $50000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 2001
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Inventory 125000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Real Estate Leased
Training Seller will fully train.
Reason for Sale Moving back to the US to retire.
Description The premier bowhunter supply in the country! Huge client list, fully trained staff, loyal customers, and an awesome website! What more could you ask for? The owner has worked for 10 years, building this business and now seeks to retire in the US, his birthplace. If this sounds interesting to you, please call or email me, David Meislin, for further information call me in the US: 315-292-6876. Remember, archery is building in popularity every year!
Facilities: 10 year lease, 6 years left. Renewable evey 2 years. Location - New Business Park. Rent is $2000.00 per month.
Competition: We currently own 60%- 70% of the bow hunting market in New Zealand.
Growth/Expansion: Huge potential to grow much bigger.
Financing: Negotiable
Support/Training: Seller is willing to fully train.
Reason Selling: Moving to US to retire.
Asking Price: $199,500
Gross Income: $400,000
Cash Flow: $50,000
FF&E: $20,000.00 *
Inventory: $100,000.00 *
Real Estate: N/A
Year Established: 2001
Employees: 2 f/t
Business Types: Miscellaneous Retail
Consumer Services (B2C)
* included in the asking price
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