4 New Social Network Websites By Multi - Sites Group
Location Nevada,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $800000000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $700000000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2011
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory 1500
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Owned
Training Yes.
Reason for Sale Other direction.
Description BUY NOW FOR ONLY $ 1500.00 USD $
As Like: EBAY - FaceBook - Craigslist - YouTube - WordPress - My Space.
Added Features: Free 3D Chat, 3D Video, Buy, Sell, List Your Products
The Auction Site as like EBAY that provides a yearly membership fee based ''Seller Community'' no other placement fees required. These websites are not your normal knock-off sites.
The Owner and CEO of Multi-Sites Group are going in another direction providing services to Employer Healthcare Management Groups.
He has done all the hard work and testing of the sites. All websites can generate revenue utilizing membership and advertising fees.
Just the YayBoy.com website alone can generate millions in a very short amount of time with a yearly membership fee of just $89.95 to sell all the products they want. Plus each member will get a free store to place up to 500 products at no extra cost.
With just 10,000 members a gross income of over $800,000 will be realized.
All the social websites, product categories, auctions, membership fees etc. can easily be altered to fit your needs.
The new owner will only need to "Advertise the Sites". Both online and conventional media. The cost of advertising can be as low as $150 monthly to realize the most effective national marketing program.
The principle will be excepting a starting reserve bid of $1,500 that will include the ''YAYBOY - YAYSOCIAL - YAYBUYSELL - NETSOCIALBUZZ -, COM Domains,
The starting reserve price reflects only 1/3 of the cost of building and testing the sites.
You won't find a better deal then this!
Included In The Price:
Hosting Until 07-17-2012 and 2 years of paid ''YAY'' Brand domain names.
The business-hosting package can be upgraded as traffic and paid users utilize the website (s) services with no interruption of hosting services. A marketing video is also included.
You can go to the ''Landing Page "YayBoy.com" to view all 4 .COM
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