Metaphysical Software and web site.
Location Arizona,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $101350
Net Profit / Cash Flow $10000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1985
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory 100000
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training Owner will train and stay on as a consultant if so
Reason for Sale Increase potential. Hoping to find a capable marke
Description We own the exclusive rights to one of the world's top-selling numerology software programs. We offer 6 programs in standard and professional versions. I designed and developed the software between 1985 and current. I am one of the best-known numerologists in the world, with one of the best selling numerology books on the market (since 1994 - Penguin Putnam). This is a fun business you can run from your home anywhere in the world. We accept Visa/Mc/Discover. Website has top listing in Google (nr. 6), Yahoo (nr. 8), Altavista (nr 3), dmoz (nr 2 and editor's choice rating), etc. on keyword numerology, and nr. 1 listing on all the major search engines for keyword numerology software. Owner Hans Decoz is a talented numerologist and web designer (but not a good business man / marketer), and will be happy to remain involved in improvement of products, web site, and promotional activities, if so desired. Would also be interested in a partnership arrangement. This business has much more potential than currently realized. In business since 1985.
January 2004 web statistics: average 1692 daily unique visitors. Newsletter data base 30,000. Customer data base 2,500. Software prices $39 to $499.
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