Restaurant For Sale
Location Scotland
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $200000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $75000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2003
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Owned
Description WELL PERFORMING & RENOWNED CHINESE RESTAURANT ú Prime Town Centre Location ú Large Open Restaurant ú Exquisitely Presented Throughout ú Fully Equipped for Buffet Nights ú Located in the town of Falkirk, the Dragon Palace is well established within the town and positioned firmly on the main thoroughfare.The business currently only open evening and is operated by a husband and wife team. The restaurant is currently offered with a full alcohol license in place. Fully equipped spacious kitchen area including stainless steel 6 ring burner with extraction,1 single and 1 double fryer, microwaves, 4 fridges and 4 freezers. freehold for GBP 180000 ono or Leasehold . contact Michael 44(0)7507683040
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