Profitable In - Home Care Agency For Sale
Location Rhode Island,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $923521
Net Profit / Cash Flow $116738
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 2003
Number of Employees 50 - 99
Inventory 5941
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 50 - 99
Real Estate Leased
Training Will train for 4 weeks at no cost.
Reason for Sale Retirement.
Description This In-Home Care agency is a leading in-home care provider in Rhode Island. They provide quality, in-home care services for clients desiring independence, maintaining in-home safety, and enhancing their quality of life. Through their distinctive approach, this In-Home Care agency engages their clients in day-to-day care-giving and other activities to keep them mentally stimulated, emotionally satisfied, socially engaged, and physically active. This agency has a strong local/national brand and is recognized in the Rhode Island market as a well-established and successful in-home health care provider.
This In-Home Care business has experienced significant growth under new ownership for the past 3 years (in all years resulting in year-over-year double or triple digit revenue growth). Sales growth for 2011 tracked at a 25% increase year-over-year. Due to strong leadership and management, this agency has built a well recognized brand and has a strong position over competitors.
The business model is turnkey, a seamless operation and is run by a sole owner/operator. This is a service oriented referral based business with low overhead. Processes are refined, documented, repeatable and scale-able. The agency enjoys a diversified customer base and continues to build their referral base in order to increase sales and expand revenue.
Sales Price: $345,000.
Contact: Dan Morrison
Phone: 401-415-8902
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