Plumbing, Heating And Air Company
Location Oklahoma,United States
Asking Price Range $1.0M - $2.5M
Gross Revenues $1641943
Net Profit / Cash Flow $342319
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 1975
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Inventory 383314
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Real Estate Leased
Training Will train for 2 weeks at no cost.
Reason for Sale Current owner is retiring.
Description This highly professional Plumbing, Heating, and Air company has enjoyed 30 plus very successful years of operation. The company has a history of increasing revenues and cash flow. The seller is the original owner of the business. The enterprise maintains a great reputation in the metropolitan Oklahoma City Area. The business is licensed in Plumbing, Heating, and Air by all of the cities and counties that make up the Greater Oklahoma City area.
The company has provided a full range of services to residential and commercial clients. Those services include Plumbing, Heating, and Air conditioning. The company can work on projects that require the highest levels of certification. The end-of-year results show that the business had a very strong year in 2012. Revenues were over $1.6M with a Total Owner Benefit of $342,000.00. The employee team is in place for continued success in the coming years.
REAL ESTATE: The business is located in a stand-alone structure in the Oklahoma City area. In addition to the main building with offices there is also a warehouse for work space and storage. The real estate carries a separate asking price of $500,000.00 which is not included in the Total Price shown.
Sales Price: $1,100,000.
Contact: Geary Welch
Phone: 405-996-1492
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