Auto Repair & Tire Shop
Location Oklahoma,United States
Asking Price Range $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues $777577
Net Profit / Cash Flow $32662
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2007
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Owned
Description Located in a beautiful small town, this privately owned auto repair and tire shop enjoys a steady customer base and offers a new owner the chance to expand the business both inside and out. The business also sells pre-owned cars and trucks. Total assets include $60,000 of inventory, $105,000 of equipment, fixtures and furnishings and building and land valued at $260,000. Priced at $574,000. Located in Eastern Oklahoma. Ask for portfolio number 0048.
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