$500 Billion Natural Health Industry
Location North Carolina,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $10000000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $5000000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2012
Number of Employees > 200
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees > 200
Real Estate Leased
Training Yes
Reason for Sale Recruiting
Description We are seeking motivated entrepreneurs to represent our company. We are World Health Team. We are Youngevity Associates. We represent the fastest growing ''Home Based'' business in America. We offer Naturopathic Nutritional Supplements.
Let's face. Our people are fat and sick. We have over 60 years of research into our products which have been designed to be easily absorbed offering 90 vital minerals and vitamins. These minerals and vitamins are plant derived and 100% safe. If you know anyone who is suffering from diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, obesity or any of the 900 mineral and vitamin deficiency caused diseases then you know why we are the fastest growing business around.
Added to this incredible opportunity is the fact that chronic illnesses continue to explode exponentially making our product even more necessary.
We want to talk to you if you are looking for a business that is already in operation, fully corporately supported, and requires and no financial investment. Contact me if you are interested in making some serious money and learning more by calling +34 952 895 196
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