Florist For Sale. Location Location Location
Location North Carolina,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $0
Net Profit / Cash Flow $0
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance No
Year Established 2001
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Inventory 35000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Real Estate Leased
Training Owner will stay as needed for additional support/training.
Reason for Sale Other opportunity.
Description This is a fantastic Florist/Gift Shop for sale located off a busy highway. It has a steady stream of wedding and funeral work as well as house accounts and a large customer base. We currently have 3 wire services (which can be altered), a gift shop that contains Tyler Candles, Webkinz, Willow Tree Angels, etc.. I'm asking $62K. If you are interested please feel free to contact me and I can give you the sales/revenue numbers.
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