Reputable 20 Year Old Day Care
Location New Jersey,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $228000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $55000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1998
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Inventory 175000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Leased
Training The Seller supply will supply a full training and transitional period and will remain post closing for forty five days.
Reason for Sale Other business obligations.
Description Long established day care center located in a prime area of Middlesex County, New Jersey has been operating for over twenty years. The location is among an active urban area with a continued demand for this service. The free standing, 3,000 square foot building is sectioned for different age groups. The center operates 4 classrooms, each designed to support age appropriate care and activities. The center is approved for 60 children and is most often at capacity, due to the high demand in this area. The business has a specific and successful curriculum with recently upgraded outdoor play areas and a variety of playground equipment. This center offers a full summer school program which contributes to the businesses income. The business also offers after school services and daily lunch plans are available upon request. The owner has an alternative day care center out of the area and has elected to reduce her work responsibility with the sale of this location. The day care has a head teacher who qualifies for the director's position and is prepared to remain post closing.
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