Two Deli's In High Rise Office Complex
Location New Jersey,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $260000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $75000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 2000
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory $165,000 equipment & $1,500 inventory.
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training The seller will supply a full transitional period and remain thirty days post closing.
Reason for Sale Seller is marketing in order to devote his efforts with an alternative business.
Description Two modern Deli businesses located in large high rise office complexes located in a commercial area of Bergen County, New Jersey. Each deli is in a separate high rise complex representing a large number of companies and daily workers. Each deli can be sold separately or as a package sale. The
businesses consist of a five day operation with hours from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. Each facility has a long term lease with modest rent cost and utilities are included. Each location has a full kitchen, refrigeration units, POS systems, table s chairs and various equipment required to maintain this food business. The facilities have a legal capacity for 12 customers consisting of 1,200 square feet, on one main floor with no basement. The facilities have substantial private parking on site and part of the lease agreement. The restaurant businesses require a food handler's license to conduct its service. Each business location will have a separate long term commercial five year lease with a monthly rent of $1,000 and $1,150. The business has a full staff of experienced employees, is unaware of the pending sale and expected to remain post closing. The sale includes for each location a full line of restaurant equipment required for this industry with a $200,000 replacement value. The owner has an alternative food business and has elected to concentrate his efforts with that full time responsibility. This is a very unusual opportunity due to the exclusive rights to location and the difficulty with obtaining a high rise deli business.
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