Postal Store For Sale - Owner Finance
Location Nevada,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $100000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $24000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1997
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory 25000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training 15 days.
Reason for Sale Promotion at primary job, travel required.
Description Email or call 702-794-0334. Business has been in continuous operation for 12 years, 7 years at it current location. The original owners were a husband and wife team who ran the store, the wife did bookkeeping and taxes. We purchased the store from a former postal employee who let all of the ancillary services go over the course of two years leaving mailbox rental, shipping and Western Union. Not only did we keep the shipping service, we computerized, through Postal Mate for Postal Store Management Software. When we purchased the business the two anchor stores were vacant. The owner of Ocotillo Plaza has done a great job of updating the shopping center and now the two vacant spaces have been taken over by King Ranch (grocery store) and a 99 Cent store. We now have a new parking lot complete with palm trees and roadside signs. Traffic has picked up dramatically over the last 3 Months due to the improvements. The success Ocotillo Plaza has seen caused the competing Albertsons grocery store on the opposite corner to close. Albertsons had a USPS Express that closed as well.
Since taking ownership we have worked on reestablishing ancillary services to include:
- Tax Preparation
- Sigue (money transfer service)
- Computer Rental / Internet access
- Consignment sales through EBay, Craig's list,
- Printing service through subcontract to include banners, business cards
- Retail sales of Sports Jerseys and other miscellaneous items
- Website
- Business license posting
Currently we have sold our retail inventory opening the space for the new owners to decide how to utilize the space. A family member currently works daily from 10 AM to 5 PM Monday - Friday My wife and I work on Saturday 10 AM to 3 PM. Contact for more information on this Postal Store for sale.
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