Payday Loan Company For Sale
Location Nevada,United States
Asking Price Range > $35.0M
Gross Revenues $8000000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $3000000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance No
Year Established 2001
Number of Employees 50 - 99
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 50 - 99
Real Estate Leased
Training Yes.
Reason for Sale 8 Year history - time for someone else to grow.
Description The Company was established in 2001 and provides short term, unsecured, payday loans via electronic transfers directly to our customers' accounts. Payday cash advances are small-denomination, short-term, unsecured advances that typically are due on the customer's next payday. We provide these services primarily to lower and middle-income working individuals. We focus exclusively on payday cash advance services and do not provide check cashing, pawn lending, title lending or wire transfer or similar services. We believe our sole focus on payday cash advance services is a competitive strength that has allowed us to better reach and service our primary market of middle-income customers. Our trailing EBITDA is approximately $3.0 million and we project $6.0-$7.0 million is EBITDA for 2009. Please email or call, Sean Deson, 917-971-6114 for more information on this Payday Loan company for sale.
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