Part Time Job, Full Time Income
Location Montana,United States
Asking Price Range $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues $762802
Net Profit / Cash Flow $349530
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1998
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Inventory 98350
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Owned
Training 12 Weeks / $0 Cost.
Reason for Sale Retirement.
Description This successful, family owned and operated business is located in scenic Western Montana. It is a well-established, hybrid landscaping business that enjoys an excellent reputation in its niche market. It provides seeding and erosion control services in a four state area. The business's customer base is derived from the residential, commercial, governmental and industrial sectors. Typical work includes hydro-seeding, drill seeding, fertilizing and erosion control installation. Due to the local climate and the nature of the business, work is seasonal typically the spring and fall months. Relocating the business could also be easily accomplished. Owner financing is available to qualified buyers. This profitable business provides a great opportunity to work part of the year and enjoy Montana during the remaining months.
The business is currently run out of an office in a private residence. Equipment is kept on other Owner owned property. Essential requirements to run the business would be approximately an acre to park equipment, a shop for maintenance and minimal office space. If a new owner chose to remain in this area, leasing currently used space for equipment would be possible. The business also rents some space mid-state Montana used primarily for material storage and layovers en route to job sites.
There are basically three major competitors in the market area the business currently serves. There are also local competitors in specific regions within the market area. With an excellent reputation having been built over the past thirteen years, the business enjoys many repeat customers.
The oil fields in eastern Montana and western North Dakota are booming. Work on transportation right-of-ways offers tremendous potential now and in the future. In addition, sales could be increased by simply submitting on other available bid opportunities.
Asking price: $548,000. Call or email Marc Sanders at (406) 683-0410 for more information about this listing.
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