Vehicle Dismantler And Used Vehicle For Sale
Location Michigan,United States
Asking Price Range $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues $472816
Net Profit / Cash Flow $22417
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1994
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Owned
Training Will negotiate
Reason for Sale Retirement
Description Talk about a recycling business at its finest and a chance to strategically diversify one's holdings and revenue stream, here you have it! Owner will sell businesses also, but primary focus is to sell separately the commercial properties and buildings. 3 income producing properties. Business valuation, includes all equipment, rolling stock, inventory Total asking price for buildings, homes, property $524,000.00, price does not include inventory if buyer desires.
Detailed Information
4+ restrooms, lockers, security lighting and system. 10 acres+/ every building in excellent condition. Incl. 4 separate addresses. One 3 bedroom home $800 month rent, one 2-bedroom apartment above 24x24 garage rents $550 month. Also 1940 sq ft owner's suite - absolutely top of the line. One 40x120 building that handles the salvage related business incl employee showers & very cool break room, tool crib, surveillance cameras and system.
Competition: You've got to see this one to fully explore the expansion possibilities. There are many competitors on the market for sale, however this one has already got diversification on the property.
Growth/Expansion: Talk about a used vehicle sales and recycling business at its finest and a chance to strategically diversify one's holdings and revenue stream, here you have it! Owner will sell businesses also, but primary focus is to sell separately the commercial properties and buildings. Three additional Income producing properties on the 10 acres. Inventory is running about $200,000k per the owner.
Asking price for everything $524,000.00 but inventory
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