BluebirdListings Local Classified Business Ads
Location Massachusetts,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $0
Net Profit / Cash Flow $0
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2011
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory 210000
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Owned
Description Could you help with the sale of this business? I was thinking to sell or get VC/Angel investment. I am offering great premium, up to 20% on the sale. This is a start up towards the end of development phase, and going into marketing phase. Over 210k invested into it already in software development.
My name is Dmitri Levitin, and I am a co-founder of BlueBirdListings, a classified local business ads web site. Some important features include business custom pages, company reviews and ratings, google map integration (search by driving time, link to directions). The goal is to make money off companies attempting to appeal to the local consumers, by posting products, and discounts on the site, and linking them back to the company page. Companies can be added on the site by the owners, and employees can be added to the companies as users. This is big business idea, with a ton of revenue potential, and high ROI.
Technological Stack
Our developers completed 90% of development with a group of 3 developers over the last half a year. The technologies involved are java frameworks JSF/Spring/Hibernate, and mysql database. We are planning to host it on Amazon EC2 servers. We are now at the stage of looking for initial funding for this start up company. We are searching for investment and capital for the hosting, and for marketing the site. I can answer any of your questions and would love to speak further or
hear some feedback,
Thank you,
Dmitri Levitin
978-604-4514 Contact for more information on this BluebirdListings Local Classified Ads business for sale.
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