Established Sporting Shop For Sale
Location Louisiana,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $295000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $0
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1997
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Inventory 175000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Real Estate Owned
Training Owner will train for 20 hours and is willing to work part time two days per week.
Reason for Sale Owner would like to retire.
Description This business is a hole in one! Well established provider of golf equipment, supplies and services. Will sell fast! Located in a busy section of the city with a large list of repeat clientele, you can't go wrong with this golf store. Golf has become one of our nation's premier sports for men and women. Call Capital Business Solutions now to get the scoop on this unparalleled offer.
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