HVAC, Plumbing & Appliance Repair Business
Location Kansas,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $700000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $120000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 1984
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Inventory 260000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Owned
Training Yes
Reason for Sale Retirement & health
Description Central Kansas HVAC business that serves a large rural market area. Business is a solid growth business that sells and services heating and air conditioning to residential and businesses. Also does refrigeration and appliance repairs. Excellent reputations in marketplace with highly trained technicians. Business has served market area since 1984. A lot of equipment is included with the business, including pickups, a dump truck, backhoe, trailer and more. This is a great stand-alone business or an add-on to an existing HVAC business in a near-by town. Listing Price: $ 395,000
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