Turnkey Chiropractic Practice
Location Missouri,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $279000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $180000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance No
Year Established 1976
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory $57000
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training Yes.
Reason for Sale Retiring.
Description 38 year diversified chiropractic practice for sale. Located in Independence, MO. Dr. Semi-retired, wanting to fully retire. Need energetic young Dr. to purchase a fully equipped practice. 5 yr avg services = $278,000, avg cash= $180,000. Equip value $57,000, AR = $140,000. Buy turn-key practice, equipment, & AR for only $265,000, or with/out AR for $200,000. Dr will stay for smooth transition. Email or view our website at englewoodchiro.com, or call at 816-461-5113 for more information on this great opportunity
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