Unique High Growth Home Care Franchise
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $175000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $58000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2008
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Inventory 2000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Real Estate Leased
Training Extensive consulting arrangement documented.
Reason for Sale To free up some capital to fund our other locations.
Description Email or call to get more details and full agency offering 813-785-3851
- This company is a national home healthcare and medical staffing franchise for sale, emerging as a brand leader in three key areas of service.
- Home healthcare and non-medical services for the elderly and disabled are projected to be the #2 and #4 fastest growing industries during the years 2006-2016. By 2030, the number of seniors in America will have doubled.
- This business is a low overhead, quick to break-even, fast ramp-up business.
- This franchise is on pace to reach 400 locations by 2013 and was recently (July 2010) listed as #181 of the fastest growing companies according to INC Magazine.
- By 2030, your territory will have the highest concentration of seniors in the Nation at approximately 34%
- North Pinellas popul is over 480,000;over 116,000 seniors age 65+; = 24% of the popul.. South Pinellas popul. is over 450,000; 94,000 seniors age 65+=21% of the pop.
Offering: The future owners of the Pinellas County will be operating in a contiguous territory to the current owners. The fixed asset of franchise rights is estimated at over $93,000 for N. Pinellas and $85,400 for S. Pinellas
Listing Price Scenarios: 3 Options
Option 1: Purchasing Pinellas County N + S Together
You would be able to use the current JCAHO license. List Price $307,575
Option 2: Purchasing North Pinellas OR South Pinellas with the accompanying JCAHO license List Price $197,250
Option 3: Purchasing North or South Pinellas without the JCAHO license
List Price $162,250
The price was determined based on a premium over current franchise fees for this territory. Email or call to get full agency offering - 813-785-3851.
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