Healthcare Provider Add On Services
Location Nevada,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $1900000000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $1400000000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1989
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training 30 days.
Reason for Sale Needs to be taken to the next level.
Description Add-On Workshop For Worker's Comp. Rehabilitation Management Services/ Healthcare Providers. WC Claimants Workshop. Achieve cash flow self-sufficiency by the end of the 3rd month of offering services to insurers and vocational rehab organizations. Projections based on a minimum of 50 workshop locations across the country. Minimum class of 15 clients per week advancing to 18 and then 20 seats filled per week.
Sales of $10,800,000 in the first year based on minimum seats filled per week
(15 seats X 50 locations X $300 per seat per week).
Sales of $12,960,000 in the second year based on minimum seats filled per week. (18 seats X 50 locations X $300 per seat per week).
Sales of $14,400,000 by the third year based on highest projection (20 seats X 50 locations X $300 per seat per week).
Sales for professional in-house resume writing services. (Based on 20 seats / 50% of Class X 50 locations). 40 seats X $100 = $4,000 X 50 locations $200,000 gross monthly profits or $2,400,000 Yearly.
Note! The Cost of the Workshop and Professional Resume Service can be combined for maximum profits.
Total billed to Insurer for Workshop and Resume Service $400 X 50 locations X 80 maximum seating per month= $19,200,000 gross profits yearly.
Founder will sell the model workshop for pennies on the dollar to Insurer Contracted Rehab Management Providers.
Business Plan In Place For Review. Principles Only! Contact for more information on this Healthcare Provider Services business for sale.
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