Hurricane Resistant Door & Window Rights Business For Sale
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $1328800
Net Profit / Cash Flow $429662
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 2006
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory 55000
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Owned
Training 2 weeks plus additional ceretification assistance and more
Reason for Sale To concentrate on core business.
Description 100 % exclusive/undivided commercial rights and the related building code approvals for a certified product line of steel and vinyl/PCV windows and doors. This product line has been engineered to have very high hurricane resistant strength. The rights include:
1. The USA name, copyright, brand and logo including its USA registered trademark
2. Miami-Dade County Florida NOA (Notice of Acceptance) product approvals for the window and door systems
3. Building Code Approvals from the State of Florida
4. NAMI (National Accreditation & Management Institute) Certifications (Quality Assurance)
5. Engineering Drawings and Inventory
Note that this is NOT an operating business and therefore an operation formed to market and distribute the products would be a start up. The product can also be an additional line for an existing business. The seller is Florida based. However, marketing and sales of the products can be from any location.
The dollar amounts shown are from an estimated proforma for one medium-sized apartment or condo based on a self-operating business. If a buyer is an existing business, the proforma estimates for expenses will not apply. The inventory consists of product materials but not finished products.
A detailed Confidential Business Profile is available for qualified buyers upon signing a Business Brokers of Florida (''BBF'') Standard Confidentialy/Disclosure Agreement provided by the business brokerage intermediary. Price is $350,000.
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