Turn Key Direct Sales Business For Sale
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $1000000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $100000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance No
Year Established 2011
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Inventory 30000
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Leased
Training Our corporate team will train.
Reason for Sale Family sickness
Description Cuisine Sante International is a leading kitchenware retailer with over 20 products and 10 years of direct marketing experience. We have one of our state of the art showrooms in Tampa Florida. We are looking for a motivated dynamic individual with a strong sales background to purchase an incredibly profiting business for a very reasonable price. Our current owner operator must leave the business.
How does our business work? We invite our customers to a live, interactive and fun cooking show. We do the show 6 days a week. We prepare a healthy 3 course meal for all the guest. We showcase explain our product line, while the food is cooking. Our showroom will seat 13 couples or a total of 26 people in a theater style seatting arrangement. At the end of the show an average of 35 percent of our customers buys the products. The customers take all their products home with them the same night. Our buisness plan is very simple and straightforward. Our corporate team will train the right person to run this incrediable business. You can also check out freelivecookingshow.com/tampa.
If you are a serious inquirer with $65,000.00 ready to invest in an amazing, fun and very profitable business please call me at 215-499-1209. My name is T.K
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