Global Telecommunication & Cell Phone Distributor For Sale
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues $1051000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $160000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 2001
Number of Employees 20 - 34
Inventory $374,000
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 20 - 34
Real Estate Leased
Training Owner will train and offer support for up to 3 months following the sale of the business.
Reason for Sale Owner is pursuing other business interest after successfully establishing this company.
Description Global Telecommunication and Cell Phone Distributor Company For Sale For $750,000! This leading northern franchise will invest $200 million in 2011 in new towers and technologies for the 45 Franchises in the Dominican Republic(DR)!. Currently revenues are well over a $1,050,000 and growing! Their accounting has been carried out in strict adherence to to the Generally Accepted Accounting Norms. This is an established and well known telecommunication franchise company and a very exciting business to be in. Excellent growth potential.
The 3G Internet has just been launched and 4G is on its way. This is paramount to the growth of this business! The business can also be grown with accessories and import of various products not readily available in the DR (this is a huge market and still very undeveloped) plus an outside sales force to target residences and businesses would be lucrative. Known Internationally, this company has over a dozen retail outlets and more high end stores are in the process of being opened at a cost of over $100,000. Three of the top locations have Real Estate that can be purchased at an additional cost. Clearly this company has the lion's share of the market--and are the competition to watch. They have the largest slice of the market share-and their sales can prove it!. The company benefits from an excellent marketing concept and are part of a lucrative marketing growth.They have a highly motivated, multilingual team of 32 employees which includes a top trainer, working 6 days a week and have acquired so far - (just this franchise alone) approx 200,000 clients over the last 10 years and within 100 miles they are targeting approximately 500,000 of the local population plus upwards of 200,000 tourists that flock to the area every year! Email or call Sandra Dunn at 321-452-3462 for more information on this telecommunication and cell phone distribution business for sale.
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