Nightclub Stripclub Restaurant
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $0
Net Profit / Cash Flow $0
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 2000
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Real Estate Leased
Training 2 weeks.
Reason for Sale Other businesses.
Description This business is located in a free standing, 6000sqft buidling and is running with a fully licensed bar, a large dance floor, stage, VIP area, large kitchen and more. Real estate is leased not owned. a 4COP liquor license is also available but does not come with the sale of the business.
Turnkey business can be successfully run as a nightclub, restaurant or both. Looking to sell quickly, price is somewhat negotiable depending on terms. Owner willing to finance or take one lump sum or even partner up if it makes sense.
Call 954-234-5216 for more information. PICTURES AVIALABLE UPON REQUEST. tried to upload but it won't take them.
Serious inquiries ONLY please, mulstiple business owner
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