Manufacturer Of Kosher And Ethnic Dairy Products
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range $5.0M - $10.0M
Gross Revenues $5380776
Net Profit / Cash Flow $1464558
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 2003
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Inventory 1050000
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Owned
Training 4 weeks of training; management will stay on.
Reason for Sale Owner does not have capital to expand in order to meet demand.
Description This company is a privately-held manufacturer of kosher and ethnic dairy products, primarily milk, cheeses and yogurts. The Company began operations in the United Stares in 2003 where it has actively produced and sold ultra kosher milk and Hispanic dairy products to retailers, supermarkets and other end-users throughout its home state. Brand recognition and demand for the company's products have expanded rapidly.
The company is the only producer of ultra kosher Cholov Yisrael milk in the region. Major existing and potential customers have requested additional product, but the company has maximized its production capacity. All necessary approvals and licenses for additional/new production have been secured.
Management will consider investments for either a minority or majority ownership position to secure funding to exploit the proven unmet demand for its products. Investment capital will be utilized to obtain equipment and facilities necessary to expand production capacity of the sole producer of kosher/ultra kosher milk, yogurt and cheese in its region. Company valued at $6,000,000 by third party CPA certified appraisal. Contact for more information on this Manufacturing business for sale.
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