20% Equity & Roi In The Golden Calf Movie
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range $20.0M - $35.0M
Gross Revenues $0
Net Profit / Cash Flow $0
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance No
Year Established 2008
Number of Employees 100 - 200
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 100 - 200
Real Estate Owned
Reason for Sale Risks diversification.
Description kostitsyn.org/movie_golden_calf.php
''The Golden Calf'' feature movie and opera. The Project Summary says:
''The Golden Calf'', a movie directed and produced by Evgeni Kostitsyn, is based on the comic masterpiece of the 20th century - ''The Golden Calf'' by Ilf and Petrov. ''The Golden Calf'' novel was published in Russia in 1928. Several Russian movie versions exist and the least successful one has made Russian sales higher than ''Harry Potter''. Mr. Kostitsyn will present ''The Golden Calf'' to the international audience for the first time. In English.
Kostitsyn wrote his own version of ''The Golden Calf'' and altered its characters. He also composed ''The Golden Calf'' opera in two different languages - Russian and English. Some music material from ''The Golden Calf'' opera will be used for movie soundtrack.
It is difficult to determine genre of ''The Golden Calf'' movie. This is a Biblical story, detective, comedy, drama, theater of the absurd... The plot, involving gangs and racketeering, and the period of the 1920's, associates this work with ''Public Enemy'' and ''The Godfather''. Targeted audience (based on analysis of Russian audience of ''The Golden Calf'') - everyone from 5 year old and older regardless of race, religion, culture and education.
This high budget movie will feature major artists and different locations in the US. Premiere is expected in 2010. I'm selling up to 20% of the movie ownership and ROI upfront of up to 20M EUR(1% = 1M EUR). The movie is fully funded. I want to diversify risks. The ratio is based on verifiable sale numbers of previously released Russian versions of this movie. You may suggest your own actor to be placed in ''The Golden Calf'' if you will buy 20% of equity and ROI for 20M EUR - Evgeni Kostitsyn.
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