Business School / Online Coaching Business For Sale
Location United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $100000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $100000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 1985
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training Provided with full marketing solution.
Reason for Sale Too busy to handle all regions.
Description Business School For Sale. We have over a million dollars into its development, and now are to busy to run all regions. We are looking for people to take on regions to help handle the growth.
All we ask is $5,000.00 to cover reprogramming the school to fit your name, and region. As well you will need to cover a portion of our monthly tech bill, your portion will be $397.00 month.
This is a 100% turnkey business school and business coaching program.
Our Small Business School is licensed and operating in 117 locations around the world. Our main presence is located in Canada, the United States and Australia. While we operate in many areas we have lots of room for growth. Our coaching/business school program is super easy to implement, and nearly100% automated yet it still takes a good business mind to really run it properly.
I am sure your time is valuable, and if you are like me, you hesitate to respond to things on the off chance you run into a pushy sales person.
So here is what I propose, If you feel you have the skills to be a business coach, and this sounds like a direction you would like to take in life, respond to this ad and I will send you some more information.
If after looking things over it is a fit, I will send you my contact and we can go from there. If it is not a fit, only a small amount of our valuable time will have been wasted.
This is the best online school program you can buy into at this time in the world. We are opening 3-4 locations a week around the world. If you are at all interested don't hesitate because the school in your area may be going to someone else soon. Sorry to be brash, yet we want the best possible people representing us in each region.
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