Executive Search And Staffing Company
Location California,United States
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $689000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $370000
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2008
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 10 - 19
Real Estate Leased
Description Executive Search and Staffing Company
We are in the fast growing Oil and Gas Industry with a focus on Exploration and Production, Midstream and Downstream. The company was established 4 years ago and today we have over 27,000 engineers, geologists in our database with resumes and direct contact information. Information like this is not easily obtained and the hiring of 12 data sources gathering information through referrals and directly from companies over 2 « years made this possible. We have contacts with about 50% of the active companies in the industry. These contacts include Direct Hire and Staffing. These contacts also cover other areas of our clients including IT and support staff.
Our focus has been on building our company and this year with the databases and clients established we are expecting even more significant growth from last year and to continue with a greater momentum for the years ahead. The infrastructure has been established. Unfortunately due to health reasons the owner of the corporation has to sell the company/assets. The candidate database and client contracts are our greatest assets. This would benefit a company that wants to diversify into another industry or someone wanting to start a new business. Our databases and business are managed through one of the largest CRM Recruiting Software programs which have been customized over the years to be extremely effect. This can be managed from anywhere or transferred to any other data base.
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