For Sale
Location California,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $100000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $100000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2008
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory $5,000
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Reason for Sale Have to relocate to Texas from California.
Description The domain is: All of the traffic is organic
search engine traffic... Meaning = It is free, no marketing, no money, no
PPC charges involved. search positions:
#1: beverly hills carpet cleaning (google estimates 880 searches per month)
#1: beverly hills tile cleaning (google estimates approx 800 searches per month)
First page google results:
orange county tile cleaning
los angeles tile cleaning
Following google pages:
orange county carpet cleaning
los angeles carpet cleaning (6600 searches per month)
The site/domain is almost 3 years old. We have been working all year to get it to the #1 spot for all the above keywords. Just have to wait for an update. This is a great domain there is only one ''Beverly Hills'' and only one ''''
As you know, jobs run the gambit; from $80 upto $2,500+ on a full restoration, tile clean, upholstery etc. I would like sell this domain for 20 jobs at $250 (average) which would work out to $5k. Thats peanuts, since
2-3 big beverly hills jobs, or 20 average jobs would pay for it.
You would own the site for years of huge potential income. Or sell it if you needed cash. Looking to sell quickly, once it's gone. Thanks! Email or call Dave Schutte at 818-921-2251. Postscript. This is a true forced sale and a diamond in the rough. I would be obliged to show you the court order allowing my kids to move to TX and thus my moving as well.
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