Palm & Tree Doctor Business
Location Florida,United States
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $12000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $8500
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 1999
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Inventory 2000
Relocatable Not Disclosed
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Owned
Description This green industry company diagnoses, treats and maintains healthy palms trees, shade trees, shrubs and annuals for all landscape surroundings. Their wellness program delivers more than 50 vitamins, nutrients and hormones. The formulation of their treatment has taken over 20 years to develop and is used exclusively at many notable properties. This company utilizes specialized equipment to inject their unique solution to the root system of trees.
Palm trees need many nutrients to live and the soil and the soil in Florida lacks many of the elements necessary to maintain healthy trees, causing brown frizzle top, yellowed fronds and blights (spotted fronds). By targeting the root feeding system with a safe mix of fertilizers deep below the soil surface tree and shrubs grow faster and survive longer. Homeowners and commercial properties are benefiting from the professional fertilization services. With deep root fertilization, the feeder roots are fed resulting in a healthy tree, plant and shrub. Surface watering is wasteful and promotes soil erosion resulting in a shallow root system that cannot fight off pest, disease & drought.
In this current economic downturn, many property owners and landscape vendors have not been providing adequate fertilization to their landscape plants and trees for the last two years and presumably for the remainder of this year, until the economy begins to gain strength again. It is our position that this type of business will be thriving with calls for help when the effects are evident with sick and unhealthy landscape, especially with palm trees that "require" additional fertilization. Many of the under-cared-for palms will not only appear unhealthy, but will likely succumb to disease, insects and fungus. The property owner cost of non-fertilization will be much greater due to non-action. Asking Price: $12,500.
Landscape Depot Investments by emailing or calling (561) 514-1122.
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