Nuts And Dried Fruits Market Business
Location Australia
Asking Price Range < $250K
Gross Revenues $180000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $180000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 2006
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 1 - 3
Real Estate Leased
Training Provided.
Reason for Sale Change of career.
Description Nuts and dried fruits business operating 4 days a week. Permanent stall at each market. Business is totally portable everything fits into van. Displays, marquee, van and all equipment provided. Main markets are in the east southeast area.
Turnover 3,000-4,000pw. Low overheads high margins. Asking $50,000. Email or call Tony at 0433448804 for more information on this nuts and dried fruits market business for sale.
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