Powder Coating Business
Location Australia
Asking Price Range $250K - $500K
Gross Revenues $500000
Net Profit / Cash Flow $45000
Cash Flow Type Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance Not Disclosed
Year Established 1990
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Inventory Included in asking price.
Relocatable No
Number of Employees 4 - 5
Real Estate Leased
Training Yes.
Reason for Sale Moving to another state.
Description Successful Powder Coating Business For Sale for Investor or Owner/Operator
This Powder Coating Business is located in a Campbelfield, Melbourne Victoria, Australia business that has plenty of growth potential. This business has established employees who have the ability to run the business day in and day out. The price includes:
In house facilities:
Dipping facilities for pre-treatment of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
Powder Coating: Fully equipped facility incorporating:
- Fully Automatic Powder Coating Line with Overhead conveyor system able to do 8 mt lengths with a 14 mt fan forced tube oven will do 2.1 mt in height.
- Two gas fired ovens of 2.2 H x 2.4 W x 6.5 L capacity & 2 H x 2 W x 3.6 L capacity
- Two powder coating booths with dust extraction system
- GEMA electrostatic powder guns & vibratory powder fluidising bins + nordson remote powder coating gun + wangner remote powder coating gun.
Packing - all martial's packed for protection (polyfoam , plastic wrap or cardboard)
Handling Facilities: Fork Lift
Storage & Security: Undercover & external storage facilities
Building & grounds protected by 24 hour monitored Security System
also come's with company car ford AU1 tone ute.
Facilities. 1,000 sq mt
Sale Reason: Owner is moving to another state
Asking Price $450,000 (AUS DOLLARS) $417,000 (US DOLLARS)
Revenue $ 500,000
Cash Flow $ n/a
Inventory $ 30,000
Established 1990
Employees 5 full,
Relocatable No (Due to customer base)
Building: Rented at $5500 per mth or $66,000 per year
conditions do apply
WEB ADDRESS: cpc1.com.au
Email or call 03 9357 8370 / 0421868269
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