Coffee Equipment & Commercial Food Services
Location Alberta,Canada
Asking Price Range $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues $1245655
Net Profit / Cash Flow $127101
Cash Flow Type EBITDA
Seller Finance Yes
Year Established 1992
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Inventory $274000
Relocatable Yes
Number of Employees 6 - 9
Real Estate Leased
Training Key employees will most likely stay on after the sale.
Reason for Sale Retirement.
Description The company this listing features specializes in providing quality coffee and other refreshments with the inclusion of coffee brewing equipment. Serving businesses and offices in their area, they also offer commercial food services and water cooler rentals. The company's team of skilled laborers takes pride in the condition of their equipment and the taste quality of their products. They offer a wide variety of brewing systems, from traditional two burner pour-over brewers to Plumbed in single cup server and thermal brewing systems. The equipment is picked to meet the specific needs of each client, and carefully inspected each time the customer receives a new shipment.
The service started in 1992 and continues to bring select coffee and equipment to the area. The owners are actively involved in the business operations and have the freedom to step in and out as they choose. Over the years they have built a substantial client base, some of which have been with the company for twenty years. The company recently updated all computer workstations, installing an enhanced server with state of the art technology. The website has recently been completely redesigned and equipped to allow online payment through major credit card carriers, and a the carefully maintained vehicle fleet is scheduled to be updated. This business provides an easy success for someone looking to buy a well organized and intact business. The current owner is retiring leaving this opportunity open for sale. If you are interested in this listing please contact us today!
60% of revenues for this business are gained through regular office coffee services, 39% from commercial food services, and 1% from water cooler rentals. Asking price is $800,000 with equipment and inventory included. Call Jason Hullender (IAG) at 972-331-7540 for more details!
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